Name: Kenny (he/him), designer, managing editor, and co-owner of Cloud Curio.
Alignment: Chaotic neutral.
Class & Level: BA in English Studies, MA in English (Composition and Rhetoric).
Background: Freelance TTRPG editor and illustrator. Credits include: designer of deathtrap dungeon modules Fortress of the Ur-Mage, Maze of the Elder Brain, Murder of the Maelstrom Queen, and Colossus of the Shattered Moon, as well as The Lich’s Vault, an item card compendium for Dungeon World.
Skills: Writing, editing, illustration, podcasting, instruction.
Punch-Up Guy. When someone hands me an idea or a text, I bring it to the next level.
Namer of Names. When provided with a concept and a context, I provide the perfect name regardless of what it is I’m naming. A game, a story, a character, an organization, you name it. Or rather, I do.
Competitor. I live for the thrill of competition. Not that I’m unable to take a loss, mind; look at the games I play and you’ll know. But I always look to become great at what I do, work or play.
Other Proficiencies: League of Legends, Magic: The Gathering, Golf (Disc and Regular), Tennis (Table and Regular), Bloodborne, Board Games.
Creativity. I believe making things creates wonder and brings people together.
Reason. I believe careful thinking dedicated to the truth is necessary for positive change.
Play. I believe play is not just a diversion, but a worthy endeavor in its own right.
Self-improvement. I believe that whatever I do, I must strive to consistently improve.
Awful at self-promotion.